Does Fonsieur go on sale?
Fonsieur does not have sales, including black Friday sales and private sales. If you see Fonsieur items, not from an official Fonsieur retailer, being sold at discounted, sale or clearance prices, then chances are the item is counterfeit.
Where are Fonsieur products made?
Fonsieur products are carefully made in Portugal, where high quality, sophisticated design and craftsmanship come together. In line with our responsible shopping mission, we continuously work to use sustainable materials and production processes. This allows us to develop products with a lower impact on the environment, while maintaining our focus on exceptional craftsmanship and quality.
Fast shipping
We strive to deliver your order to your home as soon as possible! Orders are shipped from the Netherlands within 1-2 business days, so you won't have to wait long for your new purchase. Do you have any questions about delivery? Feel free to contact us!
Order tracking
Wondering where your order is? With our tracking service you always stay informed! As soon as your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number with which you can easily follow your package. So you know exactly when you can expect your new purchase. Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
Get in touch
Have any questions? We're here for you! Whether it's details about our products, advice on the right size, our shipping policy, or anything else you'd like to know more about, we're happy to help. We understand that a good decision starts with clear information. Feel free to get in touch; our team is ready to answer your questions and help you make the perfect choice.